Deep Sleep 1.0 Widget

This useful widget which goes right in your Mac’s Dashboard binge the very useful function of Windows’ hibernation to the Mac. It takes Sleep a step further by actually shutting down the computer but keeping everything just the way it was.
Google it…

Shortcut: Turn Off Monitor

Applies to Mac OS X Leopard (10.5) and up.

Ctrl + Shift + Eject

Turns off monitor. Just awesome.

Leopard Icons to Use With CandyBar 3

Read title – icons for use with CandyBar 3.

White Icon Set
Pink Leopard Icons for the Men…erm…Ladies
HUD Transparent Icons
Black Icon Set
Original Icons
Leopard Icons for Windows – Mac Users hopefully can find *some* use for them

And here’s a beautiful desktop all y’all should look up to and try to surpass:

Warp – Spaces Options

Most, if not everyone, knows that the “Spaces” feature became available with Mac OS X Leopard. It is the Mac equivalent of Linux’s “Workspaces”. To switch spaces press + the direction of the space you want to move to (ctrl + arrow key).

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Mac / Browser Tip

I don’t use a PC so I don’t know if this applies to PC’s (but then again, I don’t think a PC user would be on this blog), but there is a very quick shortcut for “Page Down”.

Tap the space bar to move one page down, equivalent to hitting the “Page Down” button. And like many other shortcuts, Shift + Spacebar is the opposite of pressing the space bar, and is the equivalent of the “Page Up” button.

Yay for Customizing Terminal

      First off, Terminal is like Command Prompt in Windows and Terminal in Linux. Apple made some changes in Terminal but the only thing I really notice is the tabbed windows. You can create a new tab by using the same hotkey that practically every tab-able app uses: +t (command + t)
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