Wake up your MacBook with Lid Closed

I recently bought the new unibody MacBook Pro 15″ – an absolute beauty – and so I am finally posting up tips that are relevant to MacBooks and not Macs such as the iMac. 😀
MBP -> me // iMac -> brother

– Close your MacBook.
– Aim Apple Remote at MacBook.
– Press any button.
– MacBook should wake up.

Very useful if you have an extra monitor that your MacBook is hooked up to. But as you probably just realized – you no longer have a keyboard and mouse -_-“

Mac Desktop Shortcut

I knew going back to Windows Vista would give me many Mac tips to post! 😀

First thing I realized I was missing is the shortcut for “Desktop” whenever you have a save dialog box. Instead of opening up the list of options, you can just press COMMAND+D.

Try it out.

Dock Hide/Unhide Haiku

A Haiku for how to hide/unhide your dock. Clear up some wasted space but know that sometimes having the dock is more efficient for your work.

Big screens are better.
Be efficient with screen space.
Alt, Command, and D.

My Posts Are…

My Posts are so short-winded nowadays. Sorry about that.

Anyway, if you’re on a Mac (duh?) go to System Preferences then Sharing. There are some interesting things there.


If you enable file sharing, you can share files (duh?) with other Macs on the network just by looking for the host computer (with all the cool files) in Finder, under the “Sharing” category on the left sidebar. I hope that was clear….if not, figure it out yourself, drop me a comment, or email me (check About page)

If you enable screen sharing, you are basically setting up a VNC server (I think) so that devices such as other computers (cool) and iPhones (eveeeen cooler) can connect to your computer, see your screen, do all kinds of crazy stuff.


Must-know Spotlight Hotkey

Mac = spotlight
Windows = search function in start menu

Anyway, spotlight is really useful! Especially if you don’t have Quicksilver installed. If you want to search for a file, spotlight is actually better than Quicksilver because Quicksilver (by default) doesn’t index everything. Spotlight does and can find pretty much anything.

However, if you are searching in spotlight, you absolutely need to know how to view an item in Finder. That wasn’t very clear, was it. OK, so you are searching for Firefox because you want to put that on your dock. You search for it in Spotlight and find it. Now what? You want to view it in a Finder window so that you can drag it onto the dock but you can’t right-click or anything in the Spotlight search. You can go to “Show All”…Annoying!

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Deep Sleep 1.0 Widget

This useful widget which goes right in your Mac’s Dashboard binge the very useful function of Windows’ hibernation to the Mac. It takes Sleep a step further by actually shutting down the computer but keeping everything just the way it was.
Google it…

Leopard Icons to Use With CandyBar 3

Warp – Spaces Options

Most, if not everyone, knows that the “Spaces” feature became available with Mac OS X Leopard. It is the Mac equivalent of Linux’s “Workspaces”. To switch spaces press + the direction of the space you want to move to (ctrl + arrow key).

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Mac / Browser Tip

I don’t use a PC so I don’t know if this applies to PC’s (but then again, I don’t think a PC user would be on this blog), but there is a very quick shortcut for “Page Down”.

Tap the space bar to move one page down, equivalent to hitting the “Page Down” button. And like many other shortcuts, Shift + Spacebar is the opposite of pressing the space bar, and is the equivalent of the “Page Up” button.

Yay for Customizing Terminal

      First off, Terminal is like Command Prompt in Windows and Terminal in Linux. Apple made some changes in Terminal but the only thing I really notice is the tabbed windows. You can create a new tab by using the same hotkey that practically every tab-able app uses: +t (command + t)
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