Volume Up/Down Alert Sound

As many of you know, the beeping sound while raising or lowering the volume can be turned off/on. (System Preferences > Sound > Play feedback when volume is changed)

As I posted earlier, holding down ALT and SHIFT will change the volume in very small intervals.

What I just discovered is that by only holding the SHIFT, you can make the volume beeping sound turn on or go away.

Finder Tricks

        Where are all the keyboard shortcuts in Finder? On a Windows, I used to be able to hit backspace to go up a folder, enter to open a file or folder, and even the handy context menu button that served as a keyboard shortcut for the right button click.
        As soon as I got the new aluminum iMac, my first annoyance was the lack of (or so I thought) of a keyboard shortcut for opening a file or folder…Well I’ve finally found out, after about 8 months… Read the rest of this entry »